Monday, August 15, 2011

Another day, another post

I've been participating in Nerd Wars on Ravelry. Nerd Wars is where different teams of nerds (Doctor Who, Bones, etc.) compete against each other by completing projects that answer different challenges each month for points and glory. Right now, we're in the third month of the challenge...and I am worried I bit off more than I can chew!

I'm working on a baby blanket for a friend, and I have 4 other challenges I have to work on as well (there are 6 challenges per tournament) and I also have my dissertation....(a 3 month project) which is a sweater for Chris. I will try to post progress pics soon!


  1. Yay! I want to see pictures! I've been trying to work on small stuff to sell on for extra cash :/

  2. I will definitely post them as soon as I finish one or the other!!!

  3. You are so kicking booty with your projects, Leah! I love reading your submissions! They're always really well thought out! :)
