Tuesday, October 16, 2012


There's a saying "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!"

Sometimes, I so feel like that.  Last month, I came down with what I thought was the worst flu in the world.  Turns out it was West Nile Fever (the much less dangerous version of the West Nile Virus).  Basically, I had to just wait out the fever and body aches and everything else and hope I got over it soon.  I did end up dehydrated because of how long the fever went on (8 days or so at temps over 101) despite all the liquids I was drinking.  That caused a lovely kidney infection.

I'm on the mend now and just started back to my workout plan.  It is frustrating how much progress I lost being sick, but at the same time, I didn't lose it all.  I can still do it!