Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jillian kicks my ass

Let me start off with this simple fact.

I dislike Jillian Michaels greatly.  I could even say I kind of hate her (as a trainer of course) because she kicks my ass in my workouts. 

And yet, I keep working out to her.  I think my dislike of her as a trainer (as a person, I think she is fab) pushes me to try harder and work harder and just basically  bust my butt to make it through one of her videos.

I've been working out with her 4 to 5 times a week for about 3 weeks and I finally have actual, defined muscles (yes, they are covered by fat, but you can feel them and you can see them in my arms when I flex).  This is a first for me.  It's rough and tiring, but it is an awesome workout.

So while I hate the trainer, I'm going to let her continue to kick my ass to health.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's your secret?

What's your secret? How are you doing it? 

I get asked that all the time.  I've managed to lose 50+ plus pounds so far and I get people asking how I did it.

Hard work.  Plain and simple.  I watch what I eat and try to move my body.  Sometimes, the pain gets in the way, but I still watch what I eat.

Instead of diet sodas, I drink water, plain or with lemon. 

Instead of eating mindlessly, I scour the snack aisle for foods whose ingredient lists I can pronounce and sit and package them into serving size bags.

Instead of eating a huge burger and fries and all that junk, I will get a burger and a salad....or better yet, just a burger.

Instead of snacking on junk (see above), I eat healthful snacks like my pre-portioned goodies or fruits and veggies.

I sometimes feel hungry, but if I have had enough calories for the day, I drink water and tell my body to chill out.

It's not easy, but frankly, it is worth it.