Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's your secret?

What's your secret? How are you doing it? 

I get asked that all the time.  I've managed to lose 50+ plus pounds so far and I get people asking how I did it.

Hard work.  Plain and simple.  I watch what I eat and try to move my body.  Sometimes, the pain gets in the way, but I still watch what I eat.

Instead of diet sodas, I drink water, plain or with lemon. 

Instead of eating mindlessly, I scour the snack aisle for foods whose ingredient lists I can pronounce and sit and package them into serving size bags.

Instead of eating a huge burger and fries and all that junk, I will get a burger and a salad....or better yet, just a burger.

Instead of snacking on junk (see above), I eat healthful snacks like my pre-portioned goodies or fruits and veggies.

I sometimes feel hungry, but if I have had enough calories for the day, I drink water and tell my body to chill out.

It's not easy, but frankly, it is worth it.

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